Questions and Answers

5 years

Name of the practice semester hours weeks
1.Assistant nurse 3 60 2
2.Assistant paramedic of ambulance and emergency medical care 5 60 2
3.Assistant hospital doctor 7 120 4
4.Assistant doctor of the Family Medicine Center 8,9 180 3.3

The diploma is issued in 3 languages: Kyrgyz, English and Russian.

Upon mastering the OOP HPE and successfully passing the state final certification, graduates of the university are duly awarded a diploma of higher professional education with the qualification of a specialist (general practitioner) in the specialty "Medical business".

The diploma of graduates with the English language of instruction indicates the qualification "Medical doctor".

The level of education implemented in the OU "RMU" is a specialty. In accordance with the "Experimental curriculum - Medical treatment (for foreign citizens)" with a 5-year training period.

Teaching students at the EI "Royal Metropolitan University" in English.

  1. "Clinic of Dr. Mendibaev K.";
  2. M.M. Mamakeev National Surgical Center;
  3. Railway Hospital;
  4. National Center of Oncology, Hematology under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic;
  5. Republican Center of Dermatovenerology.
  6. Family medicine center №1


The official partner of EI "RMU" for the recruitment of Indian students is the LLC "Educational adviser LTD". Information about the rules and conditions of admission of Indian students is promptly and fully provided by partner organizations in the countries of residence of applicants (India, Pakistan). There is a contract.