Head of the Department
Full Name: Bekibaeva Baktygul Sabirzhanovna
Academic Degree: PhD
Academic Title: Acting Associate Professor
- 172, Moskovskaya Str., Room 504, Bishkek, 720007, The Kyrgyz Republic
- dcd@rmu.edu.kg
- +996 312 31 71 40
About the Department
The department of “Clinical disciplines” provides training in clinical disciplines aimed at training highly qualified specialists in various fields of medicine. The department is an educational, scientific, administrative division of the university that implements the professional educational program of higher professional education and provides training in the basic educational program in accordance with the state educational standard of higher professional education in the specialties “Medicine” and “Dentistry”. We provide students with the necessary knowledge and practical skills to work effectively in real clinical settings.
Goals and Objectives of the Department
The purpose of the department of “Clinical Disciplines” is to teach theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students necessary to provide qualified medical care to the population.
The teaching staff of the department of “Clinical Disciplines” has international qualifications, long-term experience in teaching and practical work in leading foreign universities, clinics and universities of our country. The knowledge and competencies acquired at the department upon graduation will allow students to successfully start their career in medicine.
- training of highly qualifiedspecialistswithdeeptheoreticalknowledgeandprofessionalskills;
- professional development of the staff of the departmentandimprovement of the educationalprocess;
- development of scientificactivitiesandinvolvement of studentsinresearchactivities;
- training of studentsand the formation of practicalskillsinclinicalclasses;
- application of moderneducationaltechnologiesCBL, TBL, PBL, interactiveteachingmethods,clinicaltasksandtraininginsimulationcenter.